Typography can make or break a design. While visuals are important, many designs and graphics use text and a lot of information is still conveyed using text.

That makes typography really important. From books that read while using the correct font, line-height, column width and margins (I can’t stand ill-formatted books), to websites that convert.

If your content is really good, so must your typography be. It would be a waste if you have the best writing, but it does not convince others because of bad typography.

In this brief article, I want to share five resources that help you learn and choose good typography.

1. Font Glossary

Typography can be an overwhelming field at first, with many terms you may not understand. Learn about common terms in typography in Fontshop’s glossary.

2. Typography 101

Now I’ve started rambling enthusiastically about typography, but what is it actually? Discover the basics of typography on CreativeBlog: What is Typography?

3. Typescales

Typescales are a very important concept in typography and allow for establishing a clear hierarchy of information. The idea is simple: if you put typography on a consistent scale, it makes the overall design better. It makes it also easier to structure more important information with bigger fonts, and less important information with smaller fonts using a consistent scale.

Techstacker has a great article on type scales, and there is also a great tool for setting type scales available on Type Scale.

4. Font Pairings

In typography, a font is the type of letter that is used. You may know them from your text processor or design program, and most operating systems such as Windows, Linux or macOS come with some fonts installed by default.

Some fonts go well with each other, while others don’t. Fonts that go well with each other are called font-pairs, and Canva has a great article on font-pairing.

There is also a very useful tool called Fontjoy to generate font-pairs, powered by artificial intelligence. And let’s not forget Fontpair, which is a database of font that pair well.

5. Special Characters

Typography uses a lot of special characters, which are different from the usual letters. Find a useful special characters cheat sheet here on Typewolf.

Happy Typing!

I hope these five resources help you to improve your typography! And don’t hesitate to share your favourite resources to learn more about typography.