Are you looking into running a company? Or do you own a company? The Rework book is an interesting piece of non-fiction having some unconventional insights for running your business. The book, written by Jason Fried (one of the founders of basecamp) contains 86 brief chapters of bold, straightforward statements. In this review, I want to show you a small glimpse of the book and discuss a couple of topics Rework talks about. And why it is such a great book! Most of the ReWork Book chapters talk about how you can run your company as optimal as possible (obviously, […]
Just a small note: this book is aimed at a Christian audience. Of course you’re more than welcome to read it, independent of your faith. But it will make much more sense if you’re a Christian. Have you ever read a book that was so good that you’d recommended it to anyone in your proximity? For me, Experiencing God from Henry Blackaby was such a book. Hence, I am writing this Experiencing God review. I do not know where I picked up the title, as many of my Christian friends did not know it. However, it had many recommendations online. […]
I learned so much from this book, so I decided it is time to write a never eat alone review. I remember that I stood at Istanbul Ataturk International Airport and saw the cover if this book. It triggered something, but I did not buy it. Do you know that feeling of hesitation? Somewhat later, the book was still in my mind. So I finally did the purchase, via the Dutch giant (but it is also available on Amazon). And boy, I learned some practical networking tips from this book. PS. Do you have your own company? ReWork lets […]