Just a small note: this book is aimed at a Christian audience. Of course you’re more than welcome to read it, independent of your faith. But it will make much more sense if you’re a Christian.
Have you ever read a book that was so good that you’d recommended it to anyone in your proximity? For me, Experiencing God from Henry Blackaby was such a book. Hence, I am writing this Experiencing God review.
I do not know where I picked up the title, as many of my Christian friends did not know it. However, it had many recommendations online. And so it happened to end up in my to-read list (you may have that too, a to-do list with books you still want to read).
By the way, the book is available on many outlets such as Bol.com (for Dutch readers) and Amazon.
I was blown away…
And yes, I was blown away by this book. It had an incredible impact on my relationship with God and brought me to many things I already knew, but did not apply.
So are you looking to discover the will of God and experience Him more in your personal life? This book may help you. But now that you know the background, let’s get to the actual book review
By the way, if you are looking for more reviews (mostly for great books), check out my page with awesome reviews!
The Experiencing God Review
It’s always a daunting task if you write a book about experiencing something. Logically, to experience something is something much difference than reading about it.
But can you experience something through reading? Heaven (no pun intended) yes! To summarize this Experiencing God review, I must say Henry Blackaby wrote a formidable book about Experiencing God.
A global outline
But let first give a global outline what this book is about. It is actually pretty simple to summarize it: focus on loving God, and you will experience Him and know what He wants you to do.
The point is that on many occasions, we have been growing up in a Christian environment. We have been in the Church, but not in Christ. Moreover, we are focused on us creating our new activities. And we do that instead of joining into the places where God is already working and doing things after we’re totally sure he wants it.
In my own opinion, the book can be divided into different main topics which make a perfect build-up. Let’s look into these:
- The book starts with an introduction that it is possible to experience God personally, something that is not always a given!
- Subsequently, to know God, we must sure we know His nature. And His nature is goodness.
- Third, to experience God, we must know it is an act of love and obedience. Our own will is susceptible to this fact.
- Fourth, we must be aware that God pursues a love relationship with us and is at work around us. We may join him.
- Fifth, God still speaks today in many ways such as through people, through the bible, through circumstances, and so forth.
- At last, the book describes how you can experience God in different contexts, such as in the Church, the Marketplace or as couples.
That basically sums up the whole contents of the book. Now it may not be that impressive as a whole, but the contents are quite radical. But for that, you have to experience (or must I say read?) it yourself!
So don’t limit yourself to reading this Experiencing God review, but read the actual book :).
Major Pros for the Experiencing God Book
One of the major advantages for me is that the book is personal and radical. It invites you to change your life. Also, it turns you away (or back) from yourself and your own little worries to the God who cares.
Henry Blackaby is not shy in his book on Experiencing God. He doesn’t condone religious or selfish behaviour. He makes a call to dedicate your life to God and His will only, and stop drowning in our own (religious) activities.
However, this is never done in a judgmental way. That is at least how I experienced. It is done from a perspective of love, inviting you to know more about the impressive love of the Father.
Major Cons for the Experiencing God Book
I am a personal fan of this book, so it’s quite hard to sum up some major disadvantages. Nevertheless, this is needed in a honest review.
What I think would be one of the biggest disadvantages is that some of the anecdotes told could align better with the major points made in the book. Sometimes, it’s just a nice story and it doesn’t really add to what was said.
Personal Impact
So, now that you have had a glimpse of this Experiencing God review, I would like to discuss some personal matters. Yup, personal matters at a personal blog. Makes sense, right?

Now this book had tremendous impact on (at least) the following two aspects of my life:
- It returned my focus on loving God and my relationship with Him. This relationship often faded through my personal love of just working.
- It inspired me to listen to what God actually wants and is doing (in my proximity). The first initiative that stemmed from this is that I organized a prayer week for all churches in the neighbourhood. I clearly sensed God wanted to do such as thing, and thus it happened.
Concluding Remarks
So are you looking to experience more of God in your own life? And are you looking to what the will of God is? I would heartily recommend this book! It is available on most major online stores such as Amazon and Bol.com (for my Dutch readers).
Just a note: this review may contain affiliate links, giving me a small commission (if you buy this book from a link on this site). Helps me to get the fridge stocked up!